For Real Justice, Not Male Justice
Erkek Adalet Değil, Gerçek Adalet
25th November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
25 Kasım - Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü
Zeynep Şenpınar
"As a result of the intense violence that Zeynep was exposed to months ago, she has a complaint to law enforcement officials. However, as in 90 percent of violence against women incidents, Zeynep again withdrew her complaint out of fear. And due to the withdrawal of her complaint, protective measures were not implemented and a decision of non-prosecution was given. Yet the Istanbul Convention and the Law No. 6284 says; You will protect the victim of violence and take preventive measures without report."
"Zeynep’in aylar öncesinden maruz kaldığı yoğun şiddet neticesinde kolluk görevlilerine müracatı var, şikayeti var. Ama kadına yönelik şiddet olaylarının yüzde 80’inde 90’unda yaşandığı gibi Zeynep yine korkusundan şikayetini geri çekmiş. Ve şikayetini geri çekmesinden dolayı koruma tedbirleri uygulanmamış ve takipsizlik kararı verilmiş. Oysaki İstanbul Sözleşmesi ve 6284 sayılı yasa diyor ki; şikayet olmaksızın sen şiddet mağduru kadını koruyacaksın ve koruma tedbirlerini alacaksın diyor."
The final hearing of the lawsuit filed against Selim Ahmet Kemaloglu with the charge of "killing a person who is unable to defend herself physically or mentally, with a monstrous feeling and torture", was held at Mugla 1st High Criminal Court on 20 April 2021.
The court board sentenced the detained defendant Kemaloglu to life imprisonment for "deliberate killing".
Zeynep Senpinar's lawyers stated that justice had not been served with this verdict and they declared that they would appeal for aggravated life sentence.
Selim Ahmet Kemaloğlu'na "kendini bedenen ve ruhen savunamayacak durumda olan bir kişiyi canavarca hisle veya eziyet çektirerek öldürmek” suçlamasıyla açılan davanın son duruşması 20 Nisan 2021'de Muğla 1. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi'nde görüldü.
Mahkeme heyeti, tutuklu sanık Kemaloğlu'nu "kasten adam öldürmekten" müebbet hapis cezasına çarptırdı.
Zeynep Şenpınar'ın avukatları bu kararla adaletin tecelli etmediğini belirterek, ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezası için itiraz edeceklerini bildirdi.
25th November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
25 Kasım - Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü
Ayşe Tuba Arslan
Crime: murder with fiendish instinct or torment, murder in the first degree, deliberate murder, carrying rifled and smoothbore guns, knives and other tools for the sole purpose of attack Defendant: Yalçın Özalpay Date of crime: 11/10/2019 Place of crime: Eskişehir Adjudgement: Aggravated life imprisonment without any remission for the murder in the first degree with a fiendish instinct.
“As a woman I ask the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office; When will you help me? Will you help me after I die? " Ayşe Tuba Arslan’s last petition was found in her bag on the day of attack.
Verdict; The defendant Yalçın Özalpay was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment for the murder in the first degree with a fiendish instinct without any remission.
Crime: murder with fiendish instinct or torment, murder in the first degree, deliberate murder, carrying rifled and smoothbore guns, knives and other tools for the sole purpose of attack Defendant: Yalçın Özalpay Date of crime: 11/10/2019 Place of crime: Eskişehir Adjudgement: Aggravated life imprisonment without any remission for the murder in the first degree with a fiendish instinct.